ZIP+4 Demographic Append API

ZIP+4 Code Demographic Append Overview

Append extensive demographic data to any ZIP+4 in the United States with LifeData® using Datafinder’s ZIP+4 Demographic Append API. With over 44 million ZIP+4 codes in the US, a ZIP+4 represents as few as 8 people. This level of granularity, covering the entire US, provides valuable insight into any US geolocation.

In addition to taking a zip and zip+4 as inputs, our api allows a variety of inputs that it will then map to a zip+4, this includes any combination of:

  • Zip and Zip+4
  • Full Name
  • Email Address
  • Phone Number
  • Postal Address
  • Additional Input options are discussed in the API documentation

The Zip+4 Append API provides the following Outputs:

  • Outputs includes: MedianHouseholdVehicles, PctgWhiteCollarEmployment, PctgHHAged25to34, MedianAge, and more...
  • For a complete list of outputs, see the API Data Dictionary or the example response in the API documentation

Try out the DatafinderZIP+4 Demographic Append API

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