Consumer Data Append
Append consumer contact data, such as email address, phone number and postal address, as well as household financial data and demographic data to your customer lists with match rates as high as 85 percent.
Datafinder Modeled Predictive Scores
Datafinder has modeled several predictive scores using Versium's LifeData ®
Online Audience Builder
Do you have a high quality list of customers or prospects but you're only reaching a small percentage of your list through online ads? Datafinder appends multiple contact data points to improve online match rates by up to 3x.
Data Hygiene and Validation Services
Clean up your data, fix contact data and validate email addresses and phone numbers.
Datafinder APIs
Use all of the services above through real-time RESTful API endpoints. Get access to the data you need where you need it so you can easily act on it.