Demographic Append: Lookup by Name, Address, Phone, and Email

Datafinder's Demographic Data Append, starting at $0.07 per match

Now you can add new insights about your customers or prospects to better communicate and market your products or services to them.

Automated Data Append
Use Datafinder's easy to use, self-serve data tools to append the data you need.
Powered by LifeData®
Append your customer and prospects list with LifeData®, the most reliable and accurate data available.
Available as RESTful API
Use Datafinder robust API services to append data in realtime.

Demographic Data Append

A successful marketing campaign is dependent upon knowing who to target and delivering a message that resonates with your audience. Datafinder’s demographic data can be added to a customer or prospect list to give you the targeting and messaging insights you need to maximize the effectiveness of your marketing programs.

Inputs can include:

  • First/Last Name
  • Phone Number
  • Postal Address
  • Email Address
  • Facebook handle

Data returned for a Demographic Append

Field Description
DOB Month and year of when the individual is born
Age Range Age range of individual
Single parent Presence of Single parent in the houshold
Senior adult in household Presence of senior adult in the household
Young adult in household Presence of a young adult in the household
Career women in household Presence of a women employed outside of the household
Small office / Home office Presence of small or home office in household
Business Owner Member of household is a business owner
Language Primary language spoken in household
Religious Affiliation Religious affiliation within a household
Number of children Number of children within household
Marital Status Marital status
Own/Rent Own or rent household
Education Highest level of education completed
Occupation - Industry Industry of occupation
Occupation - Detail Details of occupation
Gender Gender of invidividual
Presence of Children Presence of children within a household
How can a Predictive Wealth Score help my organization?

Why use Datafinder's Demographic Data Append

  • Insight into key demographic data: Age range, Education, Gender and 17 additional attributes. - View Full List
  • Understand the demographic profile of your most loyal and profitable customers.
  • Tailor and target your marketing programs to prospects that have a similar profile as your existing customers.
How can a Predictive Wealth Score help my organization?

Datafinder makes it easy to add LifeData®

Datafinder is a SaaS based self-service platform that supports file upload and API access to make adding Demographic data to your file easy and efficient. Try the Price Estimator to see estimated match rates and pricing.