High Quality Data Append to Improve Marketing Campaign Performance

Affordable, self-serve contact data enhancement and append services available 24/7

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How can a Predictive Wealth Score help my organization?
Online Audience Builder
Extend Your Reach

Do you have a high quality customer list, but you’re having trouble reaching them online? Append multiple contact points to your customer list to get online audience match rates that are 3x higher.

Online Advertising Network Before After
How can a Predictive Wealth Score help my organization?
How can a Predictive Wealth Score help my organization?
How can a Predictive Wealth Score help my organization?
How can a Predictive Wealth Score help my organization?

* Results shown above are based on internal tests with before test data of name and address only.

Learn more about Online Audience Builder
Datafinder On Demand 24/7
Your source for affordable, high quality data to improve your marketing
  • Enable social media and display advertising
  • Turn on additional channels of communication
  • Improve targeting and understand your customers
  • Subscription packages now available

Other Datafinder Services

Consumer Email Address Append

Consumer Email Address Append
Add high quality verified email addresses to your customer list to provide an additional way to market to your customers.
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Phone Append and Postal Address Append

Consumer Email Address Append
Add high quality phone numbers to your customer list to provide additional direct marketing opportunities.
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Demographic Data Append

Consumer Email Address Append
Add up to 71 demographic and predictive score attributes to your customer list to better segment and target.
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Validate your Consumer Email Addresses

Consumer Email Address Append
Verify deliverability of your emails and update your customer list with valid emails.
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Who’s using our services

Norwegian Cruise Lines
Active Prospects
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Here's what Datafinder offers:
  • Consumer Data Append

    Append consumer contact data, such as email address, phone number and postal address, as well as household financial data and demographic data to your customer lists with match rates as high as 85 percent.

  • Online Audience Builder

    Do you have a high quality list of customers or prospects but you're only reaching a small percentage of your list through online ads? Datafinder appends multiple contact data points to improve online match rates by up to 3x.

  • Data Hygiene and Validation Services

    Clean up your data, fix contact data and validate email addresses and phone numbers.

  • Datafinder APIs

    Use all of the services above through real-time RESTful API endpoints. Get access to the data you need where you need it so you can easily act on it.

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