Real Estate Lead Contact info: Skip Tracing Software

Add phone numbers, email
addresses and more to your lists

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How it Works:

  1. Upload your file to Datafinder
  2. Datafinder uses our powerful identity graph to append contact information to your file
  3. Contact your real estate prospects and enjoy better leads and more sales
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Tips For Real Estate File Appending:

  1. Should I use the owner's address or the property address when appending my file?
    Match rates increase when you use the owner's address and our identity graph is more likely to find a useable email address. So, when in doubt, use the owner's address!
  2. Who does Real Estate File Appending work for?
    Real Estate Agents, Brokers, Investors, Consultants, anyone who needs to find contact information for their list of addresses!
  3. I have a small file, does file appending still work for me? Is it cost effective?
    We offer credit packages so that appending small files is still a cost effective option! Our credit packages start at just $200 and never expire.
  4. Is file appending similar to skip tracing?
    File or data appending can be used in the same way one would use skip tracing. We find an email address and phone number associated with an address or individual.

Self-Serve Credits Packages:

Purchase Self-Serve Credits Below

Redeem Self-Serve Credits For:

Number of Credits 5,000 10,000 25,000 50,000
Consumer Email Appends 3,333 6,667 16,667 33,333
Consumer Phone Number Appends 5,000 10,000 25,000 50,000
Demographic Appends 5,000 10,000 25,000 50,000
Household, Financial, Auto Appends 5,000 10,000 25,000 50,000
Create your Free Account to get started
Here's what Datafinder offers:
  • Consumer Data Append

    Append consumer contact data, such as email address, phone number and postal address, as well as household financial data and demographic data to your customer lists with match rates as high as 85 percent.

  • Online Audience Builder

    Do you have a high quality list of customers or prospects but you're only reaching a small percentage of your list through online ads? Datafinder appends multiple contact data points to improve online match rates by up to 3x.

  • Data Hygiene and Validation Services

    Clean up your data, fix contact data and validate email addresses and phone numbers.

  • Datafinder APIs

    Use all of the services above through real-time RESTful API endpoints. Get access to the data you need where you need it so you can easily act on it.

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