Datafinder’s Predictive Model Builder

Build powerful custom Predictive Models for lead scoring and prospect generation.

Datafinder’s automated Predictive Model Builder incorporates LifeData® and machine learning to produce custom predictive models.

Score leads and build customized prospect lists that are guaranteed to outperform “select-based” lists.

The Power of LifeData®

Datafinder’s fully automated service enables marketers to develop high quality, customized predictive models in hours.

Machine Learning

Models built with machine learning outperform simplistic rules based models, significantly improving predictive accuracy.

Self-serve Predictive Analytics

Datafinder’s Predictive Model Builder is fully automated. Build predictive models that are used to score leads and create prospect lists.

How Predictive Model Builder works

Predictive Prospect List Builder

Why Datafinder’s Predictive Model Builder?

  • Fully automated self-serve solution
  • Industry leading predictive accuracy Custom models built using your historical customer data, LifeData®, and machine learning
  • Models are built and ready to use in hours, not weeks
  • No set-up fees or infrastructure investment

Request a Demo to Learn More »

Interactive Dashboard

Datafinder provides an interactive dashboard to help you understand the predictive performance of your Predictive Model. Adjust the slider to the left to set the lead score threshold and visualize the expected conversion rate and percentage of converted leads.