Datafinder API Match Codes

Understanding Match codes

What are match codes?
Match codes are flags that show how well the values of the input fields match the values fields in the output record.

How are match codes used?
They can appear in 2 places:
(1) Place match codes in the cfg_mc parameter to specify what kind of match is required for a record to be returned.
(2) Review the strength of a match by reviewing the Match Codes in the #RawMatchCodes field that is returned.

How should I use them with cfg_mc?
When using the cfg_mc parameter, use a "," to separate match codes with an "AND". Use a ";" to separate them with an "OR". For example, "cfg_mc=L,P;E" will return a record if both the last name and phone match or if only the email matches.

Basic Match Codes
Use the basic match codes below to require either an individual-level match or a household-level match for a record to be returned.

Match Code Match Type
INDIV Individual match. Individuals can be matched in many ways, but all include some matching component to a first/last name or specific individual identifier such as Email. If you do not provide these minimum query parameters, the API will not return the INDIV code.
HHLD Household match. For this code to occur, you have to have entered a household address (address/city/state) and name

Match Code Scores
Match code scores give you an indication of how many match codes matched..

Match Code Score Description
#RawScore A score indicating how strong the match was.
#WeightedScore A weighted score of how strong the match was, emphasizing the number of codes that were matched.
#RawMatchCodes The letter codes for the match codes that matched.

Advanced Match Codes
Use the advanced match codes below to allow for more flexible matches.

Match Code Match Type
L LastName
F FirstName
LF LF0 - First and Last name match
LF1 - First and Last name appear swapped
LF2 - Full name matches
E EmailAddr
DOM Email Domain
H Social Handle
P Phone
AHN Address house number
AS Address street
C City
S State
Z Zip
ACSZ If A and (C,S or Z) appear this flag will be set.
CS City and State match
D DOB or age

Match Code Examples

  1. Query:{service}&d_first=John&d_last=Hoppily&cfg_mc=LF

    What's going on: Return a record if the first name and last name match the input first and last name. So in this case, return a record if the first name is "John" and the last name is "Hoppily"
  2. Query:{service}&d_last=Hoppily&d_fulladdr=172 19th PL W&d_city=Seattle&d_state=WA&d_zip=98052&cfg_mc=L,ACSZ

    What's going on: Return a record if the last name, address, city, state, and zip, match the corresponding input fields. So in this case, return a record if the last name is "Hoppily" and entire address is "172 19th PL W, Seattle WA 98052"
  3. Query:{service}&d_phone=4255552910&;P

    What's going on: Return a record if the phone number or email address match the corresponding input fields. So in this case, return a record if the phone number is "4255552910" or if the email is ""