Predictive Scores APIs

Giving Score API

Do your prospects give more, or less?
Predictive Score | Giving Score

Political organizations, charities and non-profit companies all need to raise funds to run their organizations and advance their cause. In most cases, they have limited access to market research and finite marketing budgets.

Datafinder’s Giving Score API helps organizations understand which of their current contributors have a higher propensity to make larger donations and become repeat donors, as well as predicting the propensity of a prospect to donate to a charity or other organization. Datafinder’s Giving Score API helps organizations target and optimize marketing campaigns in real time.

Organizations benefiting from Datafinder’s Giving Score include charities, nonprofits, and political entities that want to target their fund raising programs to the right audience and improve their marketing efficiencies.

The predictive accuracy of the Giving Score API can be improved for specific uses cases by tuning the model with additional enterprise data. Please contact Datafinder for details.

Datafinder delivers this actionable intelligence through an easy to understand predictive score, and is the perfect solution for businesses that would like to target or focus marketing efforts on customers or prospects with a higher propensity for giving.

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