Zip+4 Demographic Append Documentation

Zip+4 Demographic Append Overview

Append LifeData® (extensive demographic data) to any zip+4 in the United States. With over 44 million zip+4 codes in the US, each zip+4 represents as few as 8 people. This fine level of granularity, covering the entire US, provides valuable insight into any US location.

Request URL{your-key}&service=zip4


Config Parameters

Use the config parameters to adjust elements like the output language.

Name Description Required?
k2 Your api key Yes
service Which API service to use. Use "demo" in this case. Yes
output Specify json or xml output responses. Default is JSON.

Search Parameters

Any parameter that begins with a "d_" is a search parameter. We will attempt to map these to a Zip+4. Some search parameters cannot be used by themselves, such as d_last. If a search parameter requires another, it will be noted in the table below.

Name Description
d_zip4 A 4 digit zip+4 in the USA.
d_zip A 5 digit zip code in the USA.
Requires: d_fulladdr

Output Schema

Api results will follow the schema shown below and will include:

  • version - api version
  • query-id - id unique to each query
  • results - list of append results
  • input-query - list of input search parameters and their values
  • num-results - number of match records for the given search parameters
  • query-time - how long the processing took
  • page-time - how long the lookup took
  • AddrStdSimilarity - if results are found and search parameters other than d_zip4 and d_zip are used, this number represents how strong of a mapping exists between the input search parameters and the found zip+4.

For a list of fields returned, please see the examples section below.

Output schema in JSON:

  "datafinder": {
    "version": "2.0",
    "query-id": "xxxxxx",
    "results": [
        "key": "value"
    "input-query": {
      "key": "value"
    "num-results": 1,
    "query-time": "0.000",
    "page-time": "0.000"

If no matching records are found, the result would appear as follows:

  "datafinder": {
    "version": "2.0",
    "query-id": "xxx",
    "input-query": {
      "PostalCode": "98036",
      "Zip4": "1291"
    "num-results": 0,
    "query-time": "0.138",
    "page-time": "0.193"

In this case, the zip+4, "1291" does not exist in the zip, "98036". Some other reasons for not find matching a matching record could include:

  • Zip+4 input does not actually exist
  • Search parameters inputs cannot be mapped to a zip+4

Example Queries and Response

Search for zip+4 demographics using a zip4 and zip search parameters. Output is formatted as JSON:

  "datafinder": {
    "version": "2.0",
    "query-id": "xxx",
    "results": [
        "Zip5": "98077",
        "Zip4": "6746",        
        "State": "WA",        
        "Latitude": 47.770158,
        "Longitude": "-122040093",        
        "Population": "6",
        "Households": "2",
        "PopGrowth3Yr": "2.34",
        "AvgHouseholdSize": "2.98",
        "MedianHouseholderAge": "51.8",
        "MedianHousingRent": "1773",
        "HousingMedianValueOwnerHouseholds": "611168",
        "MedianHouseholdVehicles": "1.5",
        "MedianHouseholdIncome": "131660",
        "AverageHouseholdIncome": "153605",
        "HouseholdIncomePerCapita": "50699",
        "MedianAge": "43.1",
        "PctgHouseholdsIncomeOver200k": "16.7",
        "HighIncomeAverageHouseholdIncome": "374453",
        "PctgOwnerOccupiedHouseholds": "94.34",
        "PctgRenterOccupiedHouseholds": "5.66",
        "PctgWhitePopulation": "89.29",
        "PctgBlackPopulation": "0.83",
        "PctgPacificIslanderPopulation": "5.22",
        "PctgNativePopulation": "0.41",
        "PctgOtherRacePopulation": "0.28",
        "TwoOrMoreRacesPopultation": "3.97",
        "PctgHispanicPopulation": "3.61",
        "PctgNonHispanicWhitePopulation": "86.01",
        "PctgGraduateDegree": "31.93",
        "PctgWhiteCollearEmployment": "47.49",
        "PctgMarriedCouplesNoChildren": "40.23",
        "PctgMarriedCouplesWithChildren": "39.88",
        "PctgSingleParentsWithChildren": "4.53",
        "PctgSinglesAndUnrelatedIndividuals": "15.36",
        "PctgHHAged25to34": "4.14",
        "PctgHHAged35to44": "19.01",
        "PctgHHAged45to54": "39.13",
        "PctgHHAged55to64": "25.06",
        "PctgHHAged65to74": "10.55",
        "PctgHHAged75orOver": "2.11",
        "PctgHHEarns35to100k": "26.8",
        "PctgHHEarns100kOrOver": "65.36",
        "DonationsToCharitiesK": "550.7",
        "DonationsToChurchK": "917.3",
        "DonationsToEduK": "65.5",
        "DonationsPoliticsK": "25.4",
        "DonationsOtherK": "523",
        "ValueOfFinancialAssetsK": "84901.3",
        "ValueOfSavingsAcctsK": "14030.8",
        "ValueOfCheckingAcctsK": "9000.6",
        "ValueOfUSBondsK": "286.3",
        "ValueOfAllSecuritiesK": "62695.2",
        "CollegeTuitionK": "1368.8",
        "ElementaryTuitionK": "432.9",
        "HomeownersInsuranceK": "528.4",
        "VehicleInsuranceK": "1255.4",
        "HealthInsuranceK": "2405.4",
        "PersonalInsuranceK": "11482",
        "LifeInsuranceK": "564.2",
        "AnnuityInsuranceK": "531.6",
        "OwnedVacationHomeValueK": "654.2",
        "AirlineFaresK": "826.5",
        "FuneralExpensesK": "64.4",
        "InterestPaidHomeEquityLoanK": "109.9",
        "MortgageInterestK": "5646.4"
    "input-query": {
      "PostalCode": "98077",
      "Zip4": "6746"
    "num-results": 1,
    "query-time": "0.292",
    "page-time": "0.345"